Hyperlink Possibilities Expand in CM/ECF 3.1
According to an internal bulletin from the Administrative Office of the Courts, version 3.1 of district court CM/ECF software will "allow users to include hyperlinks between two or more documents filed in CM/ECF." Current CM/ECF software does not assign a fixed URL address to filed documents and attachments but the appellate CM/ECF software has that ability, soon to be added to the district and bankruptcy CM/ECF software.
"[T]he format of the URL will be standardized and simplified for ease of use and across court types" and will permit use of a page number parameter to direct the reader to a specific page number in the hyperlinked document depending on the reader’s browser. According to the Administrative Office bulletin, this page specific linking is only available if Mozilla Firefox or Netscape browsers are used to access the document. "With the Internet Explorer browser, the document will always open at the first page."
PACER fees will apply when the hyperlinked document is accessed. No release date is set for these future CM/ECF versions. The District of Utah is currently testing version 3.0 and no date is set for its implementation locally.